
SillySanta was born in 2016. In the years following, we have sold more than 50, 000 Christmas sweaters to customers all over Europe! Be sure to keep reading for a short introduction to the team behind your favorite Christmas apparel...

“More is more and less is a bore!”
- Iris Apfel, American fashion icon

 In 2015, we were just two friends looking to buy Christmas sweaters — that's when the idea for SillySanta hit us like sleigh pulled by eight tiny reindeer (nine if you include Rudolph).

Throughout Europe, the range of tacky/ridiculous/amazing designs was almost non-existent. So, one holiday season we decided to do something about it...

Fast forward to the spring of 2016 and we had in our possession a slew of hilarious Christmas sweaters.

“Our goal has from day one been to get people to smile and laugh during Christmas!”

By the time Christmas finally rolled around, we were nervously awaiting our first order. To our astonishment, we sold out our entire collection — long before the Christmas holidays had even begun! 

Now that our mission was clear, there was only one thing left to do: take the concept to the next level.

Immediately, we began to prepare for the following year...

Today, we've expanded from a few generic Christmas sweaters to an entire clothing line encompassing  Christmas pyjamas, onesies, megahoodies,  and a ton of additional accessories.

We now have multiple warehouses and  ship all over Europe. Nothing makes us prouder than the amazing reviews we receive from our loyal customers holiday season after holiday season!

And that, my dear customers, is how SillySanta was born...

We'd like to take a moment to wish you and yours a Happy Holiday!

Please, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out...