Send us your photos & videos - receive a gift card!
We love customer photos! Firstly, because we enjoy seeing happy customers in their SillySanta outfits. And secondly, it helps future customers. That is why we are asking for photos & videos from you! Your content will be used on our website, social media, and in some cases, marketing.
Get a gift card!
If you submit any photos and/or videos that we want to use, we will send you a gift card! The rewards are as follows:
- 25 EUR for every photo we use
- 75 EUR for every video we use
You can submit as much content as you want! Please note we will only send gift cards if we use your content. Submit your best photos/videos to increase your chances of getting a gift card!
Important Information
- You can only participate with photos you have taken yourself.
- It is the responsibility of the submitter to ensure that they have obtained permission to publish any other people in the photo.
- For photos of children, parents must give their consent on behalf of the child until the child is 15 years or older.
- SillySanta reserves the right to publish the photos in connection with advertising, social media, websites, and newsletters.
- If you wish to remove a photo, you can contact us, and we will resolve it.
Tips for producing winning content
We like photos/videos that are taken in daylight and that show the product clearly, like the examples below. If your photo is clear, concise, and well-lit, we are more likely to use it and in turn, send you a gift card.
Sound interesting?
Press the button below and fill out the form. If we want to use your content, we will contact you and send your gift card via email.